Shipping Agent Integration Specifications
While all parties involved in the container import flow will be prompted to give release information, only two parties are considered to be “data providers”. These entities, being Shipping Agents and Terminal Operators, need to give their approval before a container can be picked up.
To participate in Certified Pick up (CPu) as a Shipping Agent, you will need to follow the steps described below:
register and subscribe to CPu. You can find more information on this in the Getting Started with the API integration guide
testing must be performed on User Acceptance Testing environment before moving to Production
CPu requires you to provide the following actions / functions / transactions:
submit Commercial Release information
identify your First Release Party
These actions can be performed in a single call but are handled as separate events.
This document describes how stakeholders of type Shipping Agent should integrate the CPu process within their applications.
Setting up your endpoint connection
To ensure our high security standards at NxtPort, we do not allow any anonymous API connection and we require of course a minimum set of security measures to be applied on any API connection. To that end, you will need to follow the steps of the Getting Started guide to set up the secure API connection with NxtPort.
You need to have completed the steps described on Getting Started with the API integration in order to proceed.
Asynchronous processing in CPu
To correctly integrate the set of API comprehended in the CPu application, it is important to be aware of the fact that CPu mainly works in an asynchronous fashion.
This means that you when making an API call, you will not get the result to your request in the response to your API call, but NxtPort will process your request and then send you a notification through the endpoint you have configured in the Getting Started process. To that end we advise you to pay quite close attention to the use of the Public Reference Id. This is the GUID you receive in the response of your API call.
This will allow you to keep track of the notifications in line with the request calls you have made.
When a API call returns a synchronous response, it is clearly marked in this guide.
Integration API calls
It is your responsibility to inform NxtPort in advance about which message type you’re using, as it requires a different setup on our end. You should have provided us this info during your onboarding as described in the Getting Started guide.
General remarks
Distinct request body fields
For different actions (submit, update, revoke etc.) you need to provide different actionType
values in the request body. These different fields are highlighted under distinct request body fields in the descriptions to help you use the correct ones.
URL’s provided are PRD
The request URL’s provided are for the PRD environment. For the UAT environment, replace
. Important: both your API key and the your_ingestion_id
path variable are environment specific, so these also need to be changed if you call our UAT environment.
Release Lights
Submit commercial release
The commercial release is the starting point of a Certified Pick up. To perform a commercial release, use the following information.
This will create the commercial release, set the Commercial Release Light to GREEN, while at the same time creating the first Release Right in the process.
Without having created a commercial release, no other data will be visible and no other actions will be handled in the CPu process.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path variables
: GUID; dedicated ID for your company. You should have received this ID from NxtPort Support during onboarding
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Release"
Request body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"releaseOrderReference": "",
"emptyReturnReference": "",
"equipmentSupplier": "",
"equipmentStatus": "",
"fullEmptyIndicator": "",
"equipmentOperator": "",
"vesselName": "",
"vesselNumber": "",
"stayNumber": "",
"vesselCallSign": "",
"voyageNumber": "",
"equipmentType": "",
"isCarrierHaulage": ,
"meansOfTransport": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"terminalCode": "",
"actionType": "Release",
"carrier": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"releaseTo": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"releaseDateTimeUtc": "",
"expirationDateTimeUtc": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"portLoCode": ""
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
Update commercial release
For as long as the container is not yet picked up, the creator (Shipping Agent) is able to update the release information. This can be done for example:
to postpone or limit the period during which the release is allowed
to change the terminal where the container will be ready for pick up
All information can be updated, except for "ReleaseTo", "equipmentNumber"
and "billOfLadingNumbers"
. If you want to make a correction on one of these, you'll have to delete the first record and send in a new Commercial Release.
If you update the commercial release, all information will be overwritten. This means you will have to provide all information concerning this release, and not only the updated fields!
The difference between using an “Update” and deleting a release/create a new release is that in the first case the Release Right remains where it is, while in the latter the release proces has to restart.
As an example we take the case that a transporter has the Release Right of a container that is about to expire tomorrow. You want to add one week to the validity period of the release.
If you use “update” to extend the validity of the Release Right, the Right remains at the transport company. They can pick up the container in the next days.
If you delete the release and create a new one, the transport company has lost its Release Right! They’ll have to receive the Release Right again before they can perform any actions!
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path variables
: GUID; dedicated ID for your company. You should have received this ID from NxtPort Support during onboarding
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Update"
Request body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"releaseOrderReference": "",
"emptyReturnReference": "",
"equipmentSupplier": "",
"equipmentStatus": "",
"fullEmptyIndicator": "",
"equipmentOperator": "",
"vesselName": "",
"vesselNumber": "",
"stayNumber": "",
"vesselCallSign": "",
"voyageNumber": "",
"equipmentType": "",
"isCarrierHaulage": ,
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"terminalCode": "",
"actionType": "Update",
"carrier": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"releaseTo": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"releaseDateTimeUtc": "",
"expirationDateTimeUtc": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"portLoCode": ""
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
The endpoint to delete a commercial release is identical to the one that is used when submitting a commercial release. Therefore, the responses will also be the same.
A successful request will generate a notification of type ReleaseLight
with action Update
that will be sent to
your own notification channel
the Terminal Operator and
the Release Right owner (if the Right was already transferred)
Block commercial release
For as long as the container is not yet picked up, the creator of the commercial release (Shipping Agent) is able to block the commercial release Light. In case a Release Right was previously granted, this remains unchanged. As such, once the commercial Release Light becomes unblocked, the process can continue without the need to restart the Release Right transfers.
This call will block the commercial release. This will put the Commercial Release Light to RED.
In the “blocked” state, the Release Right can still be transferred. However, for as long as the container is blocked, it cannot be picked up at the terminal!
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path variables
: GUID; dedicated ID for your company. You should have received this ID from NxtPort Support during onboarding
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Block"
Request body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"equipmentType": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"portLoCode": "",
"terminalCode": "",
"actionType": "Block"
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
The endpoint to delete a commercial release is identical to the one that is used when submitting a commercial release. Therefore, the responses will also be the same.
A successful request will generate a notification of type ReleaseLight
with action Blocked
that will be sent to
your own notification channel
the Terminal Operator and
the Release Right owner (if the Right was already transferred)
Unblock commercial release
When a container was previously blocked by the Shipping Agent, they can unblock it.
This call will unblock the commercial release and put the commercial light to GREEN.
“Unblock” means “if this container has been blocked (by me) before, remove this blockage”. If no blocks were present on the container, this call will do nothing.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path variables
: GUID; dedicated ID for your company. You should have received this ID from NxtPort Support during onboarding
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Unblock"
Request body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"equipmentType": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"portLoCode": "",
"terminalCode": "",
"actionType": "Unblock"
It is not allowed to update other information when unblocking a Release. This will result in a 405 error message.
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
The endpoint to delete a commercial release is identical to the one that is used when submitting a commercial release. Therefore, the responses will also be the same.
A successful request will generate a notification of type ReleaseLight
with action Unblocked
that will be sent to
your own notification channel
the Terminal Operator and
the Release Right owner (if the Right was already transferred)
Revoke commercial release
For as long as the container is not yet picked up, the creator of the commercial release (Shipping Agent) is able to revoke the commercial release Light. In case the Release Right is returned to its originator.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path variables
: GUID; dedicated ID for your company. You should have received this ID from NxtPort Support during onboarding
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Revoke"
Request body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"equipmentType": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"portLoCode": "",
"terminalCode": "",
"actionType": "Revoke"
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
Delete commercial release
For as long as the container is not yet picked up, the creator of the commercial release (Shipping Agent) is allowed to delete the commercial release. This will remove the container from the active system.
It is not allowed to update other information when deleting a Release Light. This will result in a 405 error message.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path variables
: GUID; dedicated ID for your company. You should have received this ID from NxtPort Support during onboarding
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Delete"
Request body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"equipmentType": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"portLoCode": "",
"terminalCode": "",
"actionType": "Delete"
It is not allowed to update other information when deleting a Release Light. This will result in a 405 error message.
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
The endpoint to delete a commercial release is identical to the one that is used when submitting a commercial release. Therefore, the responses will also be the same.
A successful request will generate a notification of type ReleaseLight
with action Delete
that will be sent to
your own notification channel
the Terminal Operator and
the Release Right owner (if the Right was already transferred)
Release Rights
Get list of Release Rights assigned to my company
This will trigger you to receive a notification on your predefined notification channel. Within you will receive the details of all Release Rights currently assigned to your company with their corresponding Green Lights.
Every Certified Pick up user is able to retrieve the list of all Pick up Rights that he is entitled to. For a Ship’s agent, this means he can get a list of all commercially released containers for which the release right has not yet been transferred.
To maximize security, the response to this call will be a JSON file that will be sent to your notification channel and will not be returned in the result. You can read more on how to setup notification channels in our console here.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceOcp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path Variables:
: UN/LoCode of the operational port (BEANR for Antwerp)
Query Parameters:
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
Transfer your Release Rights
Transfer the Release Rights to the next company.
In case the Release Right was not provided when submitting the Release Light (the releaseTo party was not entered), the Ship Agent can (if he doesn’t decide to keep the Release Right within his own entity) transfer the Release Right to another party, allowing them to initiate the Pick up of the container.
When a “releaseTo” party was present in the “Release Lights” Submit call, you can’t use this method as the Release Right is automatically given. You need to delete and resubmit the Release Light in case you wish to transfer the Right to another party or Revoke the right if the ReleaseTo party did not yet accept it.
When transferring a container, the transferring party is required to provide detailed information about the Release Right which he received in the previous steps. We verify if the provided information matches with the information that we have received from the original source and send via notifications to the Right owners, increasing the security about Pick up right transfers.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceOcp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path Variables:
: UN/LoCode of the operational port (BEANR for Antwerp)equipment_number
: container number
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Transfer"
Request Body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"portLoCode": "",
"terminalCode": "",
"carrier": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"actionType": "Transfer",
"reasonForAction": "",
"releaseFrom": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"releaseTo": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
Revoke your Release Rights
If a release right is not Accepted or Declined by the next party then the current owner can still return the right back to them.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceOcp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path Variables:
: UN/LoCode of the operational port (BEANR for Antwerp)equipment_number
: container number
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType" : "Revoke"
Request Body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"releaseIdentification": "",
"equipmentNumber": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"portLoCode": "",
"terminalCode": "",
"carrier": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"actionType": "Revoke",
"reasonForAction": "",
"releaseFrom": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"releaseTo": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
Bulk actions on Release Rights
It is possible to send multiple actions with a single request by using this bulk method. The following actions are supported:
Request Headers:
(optional): your own referenceOcp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path Variables:
: UN/LoCode of the operational port (BEANR for Antwerp)
Query Parameters:
Distinct request body fields
"actionType": "<supported action>"
The following actions are supported:
Request Body see the overview for an explanation of the fields
"portLoCode": "",
"releaseRights": [
// Array of ReleaseRights to which the ReleaseRight action should be applied
// repeat below releaseRight object as often as needed
// at least one object is needed
"actionType": "<supported action>"
“releaseRight” object
1 call per action type. Repeat the below object as often as needed.
"releaseFrom": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"releaseTo": {
"identificationType": "",
"identificationCode": ""
"terminalCode": "",
"billOfLadingNumbers": [
"equipmentNumber": "",
"releaseIdentification": ""
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
Generic Services
Get Release detail
At any time, stakeholders that are allowed to see the information, can retrieve the detail and greenlights of a specific container release.
This will trigger you to receive a notification on your predefined notification channel. Within you will receive the detail of the container with its corresponding Green Lights.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own reference (string)Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path Variables:
: UN/LoCode of the operational port (BEANR for Antwerp)equipment_number
: container number
Query Parameters:
: array [string]releaseIdentification
: string
Response & notifications
This is an asynchronous call; you will get a direct API response containing a public reference id and a notification containing the relevant information on your channel.
Company Registry
This a synchronous call available to all CPu parties, which allows for querying the NxtPort register for other existing CPu parties and their respective identification values.
At any time, stakeholders that are allowed to see the information, can retrieve the details of any CPu connected party.
Request Headers:
(optional): your own reference (string)Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path Variables:
Query Parameters:
At least one of the optional query parameters needs to be provided, please keep in mind that providing multiple optional parameters at once combines the filters with an AND expression.
(optional) : an entity with matching EORI will be queried in our register;DUNS
(optional) : an entity with matching DUNS will be queried in our register;VAT
(optional) : an entity with matching VAT will be queried in our register;NxtEntityId
(optional) : an entity with matching NxtEntityId will be queried in our register;entityName
(optional) : an entity with a (partially) matching name will be queried in our register;apcsCode
(optional) : an entity with matching APCS code will be queried in our register;page
(default to 1) : determine which page of the results is queried;pageSize
(default to 25) : determine the page size of the queried results.
Response & notifications
This is an synchronous call, you will get a direct API response (see below)
Synchronous Responses
Response code | Response status | Response body | Response body fields | Action to take |
200 | OK |
| N/A - all is good |
400 | Bad Request |
| N/A | Check the If you would run into any issues and not find the solution, please contact our Customer Success Team |
401 | Unauthorized - role or scope forbids you from taking this action |
| N/A - fields have no meaning when 401 is returned |
If you would run into any issues and not find the solution, please contact our Customer Success Team |
405 | Method not allowed |
| N/A - fields have no meaning when 405 is returned |
if you would run into any issues and not find the solution, please contact our Customer Success Team |
500 | Internal Server Error | N/A | N/A | CPu API not accessible - check our statuspage to see if there is any downtime and try again later |
429 | Too Many Requests | N/A | N/A | You sent too many requests. We don’t accept more than 500 calls per minute. |
Notification Service 1.0 (deprecated)
This version of the notification service will be retired with CPu release 2.25 . Please use version 2.0 (see below).
This API call allows you to retrieve the notification(s) sent to your notification channel by CPu. You will need either the equipment number OR the Public Reference ID OR the External Reference ID. Values can be combined.
Notifications can be retrieved up to 168 hours in the past from the time of your request (e.g. on 08 April at 13h00 you can retrieve all notifications dating from 01 April 13h00 onwards).
Request Headers:
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path Variables:
Query Parameters:
Request Body
"equipmentNumber": "",
"publicReferenceId": "",
"externalReferenceId": ""
If you don’t supply all 3 identifiers, other values must be null
: self-explanatory;publicReferenceId
: the Public Reference ID you received in the synchronous API response;externalReferenceId
: the External Reference ID you supplied in your call.
Response & notifications
This is an synchronous call, you will get a direct API response:
Response code | Response status | Response body | Remarks |
200 | OK |
200 | OK |
| The provided data is unknown in our system. Check your request body for any errors. |
401 | Unauthorized |
| Your API key is not allowed to retrieve this data. Check if your API key is correct. |
401 | Unauthorized Response header:
| The notification you requested was not sent to your company. Check the request body for any errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error |
| Please ensure that you are using the correct endpoint. If this is the case, something is probably wrong at our side. Don’t worry, we are already notified, so you don’t have to take action. Check our statuspage for any possible downtime. The API could be temporarily out of service due to maintenance, incident, … Make sure you build in a retry mechanism on your end. |
429 | Too Many Requests | N/A | You sent too many requests. We don’t accept more than 500 calls per minute. |
Notification Service 2.0
Notifications can be retrieved up to 168 hours in the past from the time of your request (e.g. on 08 April at 13h00 you can retrieve all notifications dating from 01 April 13h00 onwards).
This API call allows you to retrieve notifications sent to your company.
The timeWindowFrom and timeWindowTo query parameters will be available starting from version 3.11.0 of the API.
Request Headers
(optional): your own referenceOcp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: your API keyAuthorization
: authorization header (Bearer token)
Path variables
Query Parameters
At least 1 parameter is needed, multiple parameters will be queried using an AND operator.
: event of the corresponding notification
: self-explanatorypublicReferenceId
: GUID you received in the synchronous responsereleaseId
: ID (GUID) of the Release Right, returned in the notificationsstoredOn
: ISO timestamp of creation date/time of the notificationtimeWindowFrom
(optional): The starting time of the window for filtering notifications. Expects a time in ISO format ("07:30").timeWindowTo
(optional): The ending time of the window for filtering notifications. Expects a time in ISO format ("19:25").
Note: The timeWindowFrom
and timeWindowTo
parameters allow for a more precise filtering of notifications within a specified time range on the date provided in storedOn
. Both parameters should be used together to define the start and end of the desired time window. The timeWindowTo
may not be earlier than timeWindowFrom
Status | Body | Explanation | ||
200 - Success |
| ||
401 - Unauthorized |
| Missing API key or authorization token | ||
403 - Forbidden Response header:
| The notification you requested was not sent to your company, you are not allowed to view the contents | ||
405 - Invalid Input | N/A | No matching notifications found, check your query parameters | ||
500 - Internal Server Error |
| Please ensure that you are using the correct endpoint. If this is the case, something is probably wrong at our side. Don’t worry, we are already notified, so you don’t have to take action. Check our statuspage for any possible downtime. The API could be temporarily out of service due to maintenance, incident, … Make sure you build in a retry mechanism on your end. | ||
429 | Too Many Requests | N/A | N/A | You sent too many requests. We don’t accept more than 500 calls per minute. |
Additional information
Direct API responses to asynchronous calls
This overview contains the direct responses you might receive to the asynchronous calls.
Response code | Response status | Response body | What to do? |
200 | OK |
| Nothing, all is good - the information you sent in has been received and will be processed. Any response will be provided through a notification with corresponding public reference id. |
202 | Accepted |
| Nothing, all is good - the information you sent in has been received and will be processed. Any response will be provided through a notification with corresponding public reference id. |
400 | Bad Request | Example if
| Review the request you have sent for syntax errors or conditions for the API call. |
401 | Unauthorized | N/A | You are not authorized to make that API call - this could be either because it is not available for your roll or because you are not allowed due to another CPU specific condition not being met (eg. the release right is not assigned to you… ). Please check if you:
500 | Internal Server Error | N/A | Please ensure that you are using the correct endpoints (eg fill in the {portLocode} variable in the URL). If this is the case, something is probably wrong at our side. Don’t worry, we are already notified, so you don’t have to take action. Check our statuspage for any possible downtime. The API could be temporarily out of service due to maintenance, incident, … Make sure you build in a retry mechanism on your end. |
429 | Too Many Requests | N/A | You sent too many requests. We don’t accept more than 500 calls per minute. |
Request body fields
Below you can find the overview of all the request body field keys which are used in the API calls.
This overview acts like a reference guide, not all fields are to be included in each call. The request bodies are always marked with the calls.
Field name | Type | Mandatory? | Allowed values | Field description | |
1 |
| string | Yes | Free text | Unique release identification (per carrier). |
2 |
| string | No | Free text | Optional reference for you to identify the release internally. |
3 |
| string | No | Free text | Self-explanatory |
4 |
| string | No | Free text | Self-explanatory |
5 |
| Enum | No | “Import” / “Export” / “Transhipment” | Self-explanatory |
6 |
| Enum | No | “Full” / “Empty“ | Self-explanatory |
7 |
| string | No | Free text | Self-explanatory |
8 |
| string | No | Free text | Self-explanatory |
9 |
| string | No | Free text | Self-explanatory |
10 |
| string | No | Free text | Self-explanatory |
11 |
| string | No | ISO container type (e.g. “20GP“, “40HC“) or “Container” | Self-explanatory |
12 |
| boolean | Yes | true, false | A boolean value indicating if the release is carrier haulage (true) or merchant haulage (false). For invoicing purposes. |
13 |
| Array of strings | Yes | Free text | Bill of Lading number(s) of the container. The unique combination of container/BL will be used for the identification of the container release. |
14 |
| string | Yes | Terminal code provided to NxtPort during onboarding (for correct mapping) | The indicative terminal where the container will be available for pickup. Can be updated at any time using the Update Commercial Release. |
15 |
| Enum | Yes | Different per action you need to perform. Check the specific action. | Action which is sent to the CPu platform, e.g. “Release”, “Block“, “Update“ |
16 |
| Enum | No | “TIN” / “NxtEntityId” / “Eori” / “Duns” / “APCS” | Enter the type of identification of the carrier. Remark: TIN should be used for the VAT number of a company. |
17 |
| string | No | Free text | The value that belongs to the selected identification. Note: a carrier is not mandatory, but if filled, a check will occur if the identificationCode is known |
18 |
| Enum | No | “TIN” / “NxtEntityId” / “Eori” / “Duns” / “APCS” | Enter the type of identification of the party that will receive the Release Right. If the releaseTo party is not yet known at the moment of the commercial release, this information can be left out and updated later on in the process by using the Transfer Release Right method. Remark: TIN should be used for the VAT number of a company. |
19 |
| string | No | Free text | The value that belongs to the selected identification. Note: When carrier and releaseTo are not provided, the Release Right will automatically be assigned to the submitting Shipping Agent. |
20 |
| Enum | No | “TIN” / “NxtEntityId” / “Eori” / “Duns” / “APCS” | Enter the type of identification of the party transfers the Release Right. Remark: TIN should be used for the VAT number of a company. |
21 |
| string | No | Free text | The value that belongs to the selected identification. |
22 |
| string | Yes | ISO 8601 timestamp format in UTC time. E.g. | Date/time (UTC) from which the Commercial Release will be active. |
23 |
| string | No | ISO 8601 timestamp format in UTC time. E.g. | Date/time (UTC) until the Commercial Release is active. If not entered, a default of 60 calendar days will be applied. |
24 |
| string | Yes | Free text with maximum 50 characters, uppercase | The container number. This number will be used onwards in the process. |
25 |
| string | Yes | UN/LoCode | The UN/Locode of the operational port. For Antwerp this is BEANR. |
26 |
| string | No | Free text | Free text to provide, is displayed in the audit trail of the Release Right |
27 |
| Enum | No | “Truck“ / “Barge“ / “Rail“ / “Unknown“ | Reported means of transport for post-carriage of the container |
28 |
| string | No | IMO number of vessel | Self-explanatory |
29 |
| string | No | Stay number assigned by port authority | e.g. V234555 |
As explained about the asynchronous handling within the CPu process, you - as a Shipping Agent - will receive various notifications.
Some of these will be asynchronous responses to calls you have submitted, some will be notifications triggered by actions performed by other parties in the release process.
You will find detailed information tailored to your role in CPu on Notifications for Shipping Agents .
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