Certified pick up v4.2.0
We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 4.2.0!
Release date
This version is released to UAT on 23th of October 2024.
CPu users must validate the changes in this version, along with each user's most important business scenario’s, as communicated during the CPu User Groups. For any help regarding demo data to test those scenario’s, this can be requested via support@nxtport.com.
This version is released to PRD on 5th of January 2025.
Identity and Azure B2C: technical security update
API users must implement a new token endpoint to request a bearer token, which can be used in existing API calls. Please note that the existing API authentication method (ref. step https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/getting-started-with-the-api-integration#GettingStartedwiththeAPIintegration-2.4APIAuthentication&authorization) is supported in a hybrid way on PRD until the implementation window is decided on the CPu User Group. It’s advised to start integrating on UAT environment. In order to implement the new method, take following steps:
Request new client credentials via support@nxtport.com
Implement new API authentication endpoint to request a bearer token (ref. step https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/getting-started-with-the-api-integration#GettingStartedwiththeAPIintegration-2.4APIAuthentication&authorization)
Make sure this bearer token is used in implemented API calls (ref. 2.4.2 https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/getting-started-with-the-api-integration#GettingStartedwiththeAPIintegration-2.4.2APIAuthorization)
UI users are not impacted from this update and can continue logging in via C-point
GateIn message: billOfLadingNumbers and eoriShipAgent have been added as variables in the endpoint for GateIn message to identify the corresponding release right. Please find detailed information in section 3.8. of the CPu/IRP integration documenthttps://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/cpu-irp-integration-v1-2#CPu/IRPintegrationV1.2-3.8.GateIn
Clickable dashboard metrics enable a user to click for example “incoming release rights” and immediately see the page where you can accept those incoming release rights. It has been added for all metrics in the new experience UI.
Bug fixes
Search for archived containers in the new experience UI; issue resolved for error “Public Reference Id: undefined”, when entities with multiple roles would search for an archived container
“RELEASEDBYDEFAULT” config for Terminal Release light was not applied when a “not-released” commercial release had been created from a Terminal Discharge message received via IRP (ref. https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/cpu-irp-integration-v1-2)