Certified pick up v3.5.0
We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 3.5.0!
Release date
This version was released on 25th of September 2023 on UAT.
This version will not be released to PRD separately but these changes will be available with release 3.6.0.
The default color for Terminal Release Greenlight has been updated to RED instead of GREY. This fix was introduced 2nd of October 2023 on PRD.
As Terminal I want the Transport Operator identity mentioned in pick-up updated notifications
To support the process for barge / rail pickup validation at a terminal, the transport operator’s identity is included in the notification sent when a pick-up is updated. This identity is already mentioned in the pickup generated notification (ref. https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/certified-pick-up-v3-4-0).
Driver list enabled for Transport Operator
This feature provides a capability for transport operators to keep and manage a list of drivers (Alfapass + alias) and use this to more efficiently assign a pick-up for truck.