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Certified pick up v3.4.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 3.4.0!

Release date

This version was released on 13th of September 2023 on UAT.

This version is planned to be released on 27th of September 2023 on PRD.




  • [bèta UI] As Release Party I want to request billing details per month

    • For more transparency regarding which containers are billed on a monthly basis, a new feature is introduced that enables a Release Party to download a csv file with containers that received a gate-out within the selected month.

  • [bèta UI] As Release Party I want to revoke release right(s)

    • This feature enables a release party to revoke multiple release rights at once via the new experience UI. On top of that, it enables a release party to revoke a release right it had forwarded already via the UI. The latter had been introduced with release 3.2.0.

  • [bèta UI] As Transport Operator I want the Alfapass to be visible in the UI

    • This feature shows the plain value for an Alfapass in the search container section for the Update Pick-up feature. It provides transparency for transport operators in which driver had been assigned to a container.

  • [bèta UI] As Transport Operator I want to transfer release right(s)

    • This feature enables a transport operator to transfer multiple release rights at once via the new experience UI.

Bug fixes

  • Get a release detail as Release Party resulted in a “ThrownException” notification

  • Block/unblock commercial releases in bulk as shipping agent via the new UI resulted in a “ThrownException” notification

  • Access to container details has been restricted to entities involved with a release right:

    • Shipping agent to releases created

    • Terminal operator to releases for their terminal

    • Release party + transport operator: releases for which you are or have been release right holder

    • (please note that above was already in place for shipping agent and terminal role)

  • Notifications query by EquipmentNumber resulted in an empty response for cases where the EquipmentNumber is “unknown” in the notification.

  • Pick-up assigned notifications: MeansOfTransport containing wrong data for some cases.

  • Get Release Details as Terminal Operator: MeansOfTransport in response body was stating “Truck” by default.

  • UI: overall release right status was yellow when CustomsProgress light is yellow, and other lights are green.

  • UI: Alfapass of a pick-up that had been revoked was still viewable and didn’t update when a new driver had been assigned

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