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Certified pick up v4.0.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 4.0.0!

Release date

This version is released on 28th of May 2024 to UAT.

CPu users must validate the changes in this version, along with each user's most important business scenario’s, as communicated during the CPu user groups. For any help regarding demo data to test those scenario’s, this can be requested via Feedback on this version can be given until 30th of June 2024 (16th of June 2024).

This version is planned to be released on 14th of July 2024 30th of June 2024 to PRD.



Bug fixes

  • General

    • Pick Up light had status “unknown” instead of “revoked” when a pickup was “assigned” and the commercial release was revoked by the Ship Agent

  • API

  • UI

    • Update terminal code via new experience UI: TerminalCode was not changed when updated within range of aliases for TerminalNxtEntityId

    • Overrule Customs light feature in UI: validity of token from authentication with Alfapass is respected

    • Cinvio payment for Transport Operators in UI: tokens debiting is activated in both old and new experience

    • Search archived containers in new experience UI:

      • “Archived” checkbox had been disabled for Forwarder and Transport Operator

      • Issue had been resolved with requesting container details for an archived container

    • Search invoiced container as Forwarder in new experience UI: issue resolved when filtering by Bill of Lading

    • “Switch to new experience” pop-up has been removed when logging in to CPu, users are logged in to new experience by default.

  • Notifications

    • Ship Agent received a double notification when a commercial release is updated

    • Customs ReleaseLightChanged to “DOCUMENTARYCONTROL” notification is sent only once

    • Release right holder didn’t receive a notification when a commercial release is deleted via EDI

  • Customs

    • NGPS > CCRM hierarchy not respected for “TRANSSHIPMENT” and “TRANSFER” CCRM messages. NGPS messages which result in “SELECTEDFORSCAN” are always leading to determine the Customs light.

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