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Invoicing & payment

The Certified Pick up pricing mechanism is currently being reviewed by NxtPort, the Port Authority and all relevant stakeholders. It is possible these will change, we will communicate any update in a timely matter.

Do you have any questions about the Certified Pick up pricing mechanism, or do you have any feedback on your invoice? Report it via this link.


There are two methods to access the Certified Pick up (CPu) application; via API integration or via web interface. For both a yearly subscription fee is required. If you want to integrate CPu in your software systems using the API, a fixed yearly fee of €2.500,00 will be charged. This fee will grant access to all NxtPort API’s and access to the CPu web interface.

When you only want to use the web interface of CPu, a reduced fee will be invoiced. The exact amount will depend on your role in the release process. Ship Agents, forwarders, Release Parties and Terminals will pay a yearly subscription fee of €250,00. This is done via normal invoicing procedures. In case of a transport operators, the fee depends on the yearly number of containers you’ll be handling through CPu. These payments will be handled through our prepay module (see below).

Next to the yearly subscription fee, an additional contribution per container will be charged. This fee will be divided over Terminal, Ship agent and “First Release Party”, i.e. the party that received the Release Right directly from the Ship Agent.



Subscription fee

Once a company is registered for CPu the invoicing process is triggered. Based on the role that was given during the registration process an invoice will be created and sent via email to the admin who registered the company. Each new year the subscription will be automatically renewed.

Contribution fee

All Terminals, Shipping lines and Forwarders will receive an invoice after each month for their actual usage of the NxtPort API. Tariffs are gradually increased during the first three years and are displayed in the infographic above. Terminals and Shipping lines can expect a detailed overview with all containers that were released during the invoicing period once the invoice is created.


Payment is expected within 30 calendar days.

Prepay module: cinvio

In order to use the CPu web interface, a transport operator needs to have a valid subscription. Here we’ll guide you through the process of obtaining this.

When you log in onto the CPu Web Interface as a transporter, you will need to select if you want to go for the full API integration, or solely the web interface. In the former case you will receive an invoice of €2.500,00, while for the latter you will be requested to obtain a subscription to our payment partner cinvio.

For transport companies using the CPU web interface there are 3 subscription tiers, designed to accommodate the annual number of containers you expect to handle during one year in the Port of Antwerp:

Pricing tier

Number of tokens

Cost per year excluding VAT

Cost per year including 21,00% VAT

Applicable for Belgian companies













After selecting “web interface only”, you will be redirected to the cinvio page. If you don’t have a cinvio account yet, the first step is to create one. After validation (which can take up to 24 hours), you can log in onto the cinvio dashboard with your credentials and couple your account to CPu.

Through this dashboard, you can upload an amount of money, which can be used for CPu or other cinvio-connected use cases. When this action is completed, you can select your preferred CPu subscription, based on your expected amount of container releases. Based on your subscription, you will receive a number of credits, which can be used in CPu for accepting Release Rights and/or creating container subscriptions. These credits will be visible in the CPu web interface, and (when needed) additional credits can be purchased later.

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