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Onboarding Guidelines for EDIFACT Messages for Terminal Operators


This document describes guidelines for onboarding to CPu for partners that choose to send EDIFACT messages. EDIFACT message types in scope are:

For most of these message types, conventions in BEANR are already in place (see links above). For CPu, a few additional information segments may be required on top of these conventions.

General Guidelines

Provide us with a representative sample set

Provide us with a representative sample set, preferably with multiple partner recipients, of the message types you intend to use.

  • a collection of all messages of a specific type you send out during a period of one month is advised.

  • ensure the sample set includes all Message Functions you intend to use

The preferred method of delivery to us is a ZIP file. If you require another method of delivery, please contact us.

Always send us COPIES

Always send us COPIES of the original messages you send to partners. Please do NOT generate dedicated messages with NXTPORT as receiver.

This way, we can see the communication flow from partner to partner. If you would use dedicated messages to NXTPORT, we cannot deduce to whom the message was sent.

Provide a complete list of Sender/Receiver and Location IDs

Besides the sample set, please provide us with a complete list of:

  • Sender IDs you use in the UNB section of the messages (APCS and non-APCS)

  • Receiver IDs you use in the UNB section of the messages (APCS and non-APCS)

  • Primary Locations you use in the LOC section of the messages that indicate ports in Belgium, for example:

    • BEANR

    • BEZEE

  • Secondary Locations you use in the LOC section of the messages that indicate terminals in Belgian ports, for example:

    • 1700

    • K1700

    • 01700

    • Kaai1700

    • etc.

CODECO Guidelines

Besides the existing conventions defined for CODECO in the Port of Antwerp, CPu would benefit from a few additional information segments.

Multiple CODECO in one message

Some providers have given us composed messages, consisting of multiple CODECO messages nested into one UNB+UNOA.

This is in itself not an issue, but please limit the size of such composed messages.

Bill of Lading

We are aware that Terminal Operators do not necessarily have the B/L information available. But if you have the information, it would be very beneficial if you include it.

CPu requires the B/L during the entire flow from declaration to pick-up. It is therefore essential that as many message types as possible contain the B/L.

According to UNECE standards, the B/L is passed in an RFF segment with qualifier BM:

010   1153   Reference qualifier                           M  an..3........: 'BM'      {Bill Of Lading}
      1154   Reference number                              C  an..35.......: '*************'
      1156   Line number                                   C  an..6........: ''
      4000   Reference version number                      C  an..35.......: ''

Equipment Details

In the EQD segment, please provide:

  • Equipment Type (010)

  • Equipment Number (020)

  • Equipment size and type identification (030) ISO code

  • Equipment Status (050)

  • Full/Empty indicator (060):

010   8053  EQUIPMENT QUALIFIER                            M  an..3........: 'CN'      {Container}
020   8260   Equipment identification number               C  an..17.......: '************'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: ''
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: ''
      3207   Country, coded                                C  an..3........: ''
030   8155   Equipment size and type identification        C  an..10.......: '2210'    
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: '102'     {Size and type}
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: '5'       {ISO (International Organization for Standardization)}
      8154   Equipment size and type                       C  an..35.......: ''
040   8077  EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER, CODED                      C  an..3........: ''
050   8249  EQUIPMENT STATUS, CODED                        C  an..3........: '3'       {Import}
060   8169  FULL/EMPTY INDICATOR, CODED                    C  an..3........: '5'       {Full}

Gate Terminal Location

Please provide Port and Terminal Information in a LOC segment for the Gate IN/OUT

010   3227  PLACE/LOCATION QUALIFIER                       M  an..3........: '165'      {In BEANR, this indicates place of Gate IN/OUT activity}
020   3225   Place/location identification                 C  an..25.......: 'BEANR'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: '139'     {Port}
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: '6'       {UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe)}
      3224   Place/location                                C  an..17.......: ''
030   3223   Related place/location one identification     C  an..25.......: '1742'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: 'TER'     
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: 'ZZZ'     {Mutually defined}
      3222   Related place/location one                    C  an..70.......: ''
040   3233   Related place/location two identification     C  an..25.......: ''
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: ''
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: ''
      3232   Related place/location two                    C  an..70.......: ''
050   5479  RELATION, CODED                                C  an..3........: ''
  • For the Location Qualifier (010), use 165 (Place of activity)

  • For the Related place/location one identification (030), please provide us with a complete list of IDs you will use, as mention in section 2.3.

Important: even if you only work with a single Terminal (Operator) in BEANR, please provide the secondary location.


As specified in BEANR conventions, please use the following qualifiers in the BGM section:

  • 34 (gate in report)

  • 36 (gate out report)

  • 999 (logistic move report)

Transport Details

Please include full Transport details for the barge, rail or truck transport of Gate OUT messages:

010   8051  TRANSPORT STAGE QUALIFIER                      M  an..3........: '1'       {Inland transport}
020   8028  CONVEYANCE REFERENCE NUMBER                    C  an..17.......: '3'       {UNECE Recommendation 19}
030   8067   Mode of transport, coded                      C  an..3........: '31'      {Truck}
      8066   Mode of transport                             C  an..17.......: ''
040   8179   Type of means of transport identification     C  an..8........: ''
      8178   Type of means of transport                    C  an..17.......: ''
050   3127   Carrier identification                        C  an..17.......: 'TRANSPORTER_APCS_CODE'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: ''
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: ''
      3128   Carrier name                                  C  an..35.......: 'ACME TRANSPORT INC.'
060   8101  TRANSIT DIRECTION, CODED                       C  an..3........: ''
070   8457   Excess transportation reason, coded           M  an..3........: ''
      8459   Excess transportation responsibility, coded   M  an..3........: ''
      7130   Customer authorization number                 C  an..17.......: ''
080   8213   Id. of means of transport identification      C  an..9........: 'LICENSE_PLATE_NR'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: ''
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: ''
      8212   Id. of the means of transport                 C  an..35.......: ''
      8453   Nationality of means of transport, coded      C  an..3........: ''
090   8281  TRANSPORT OWNERSHIP, CODED                     C  an..3........: ''
  • For section 010, use Qualifier 8051

  • For section 020, use UNECE Recommendation 19:

    • 1: Maritime

    • 2: Rail

    • 3: Road

    • 8: Inland Water

    • 50: Change of line agency

  • For section 030, use

    • 21: Rail

    • 31: Truck

    • 11: Barge/Feeder

    • LM: Logistics Move

  • For section 050, use the transporter APCS code

  • For section 080, use:

    • Truck: License Plate

    • Barge: Call Sign

    • Rail: Wagon Number

BGM DocumentNameCode in BEANR vs UNECE standards

As mandated by BEANR/C-Point conventions, the following BGM qualifier codes are different from UNECE Standards:

  • 34 (CargoStatus) is used as GATE IN for CODECO

  • 36 (IdentityCard) is used as GATE OUT for CODECO

  • 999 (Non-existing in UNECE) is used as Logistics Move Report for CODECO

We are aware of this, no change is required on your side.

COARRI Guidelines

Besides the existing conventions defined for COARRI in the Port of Antwerp, CPu would benefit from a few additional information segments.

Bill of Lading

We are aware that Terminal Operators do not necessarily have the B/L information available. But if you have the information, it would be very beneficial if you include it.

CPu requires the B/L during the entire flow from declaration to pick-up. It is therefore essential that as many message types as possible contain the B/L.

According to UNECE standards, the B/L is passed in an RFF segment with qualifier BM:

010   1153   Reference qualifier                           M  an..3........: 'BM'      {Bill Of Lading}
      1154   Reference number                              C  an..35.......: '*************'
      1156   Line number                                   C  an..6........: ''
      4000   Reference version number                      C  an..35.......: ''

Equipment Details

In the EQD segment, please provide:

  • Equipment Type (010)

  • Equipment Number (020)

  • Equipment size and type identification (030) ISO code

  • Equipment Status (050)

  • Full/Empty indicator (060):

010   8053  EQUIPMENT QUALIFIER                            M  an..3........: 'CN'      {Container}
020   8260   Equipment identification number               C  an..17.......: '************'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: ''
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: ''
      3207   Country, coded                                C  an..3........: ''
030   8155   Equipment size and type identification        C  an..10.......: '2210'    
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: '102'     {Size and type}
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: '5'       {ISO (International Organization for Standardization)}
      8154   Equipment size and type                       C  an..35.......: ''
040   8077  EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER, CODED                      C  an..3........: ''
050   8249  EQUIPMENT STATUS, CODED                        C  an..3........: '3'       {Import}
060   8169  FULL/EMPTY INDICATOR, CODED                    C  an..3........: '5'       {Full}


As specified in BEANR conventions, please use the following qualifiers in the BGM section:

  • 98 (Discharge)

  • 270 (Load)

010   1001   Document/message name, coded                  C  an..3........: '98'      {Arrival information}
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: ''
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: ''
      1000   Document/message name                         C  an..35.......: ''
020   1004  DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NUMBER                        C  an..35.......: '1919794'
030   1225  MESSAGE FUNCTION, CODED                        C  an..3........: '9'       {Original}
040   4343  RESPONSE TYPE, CODED                           C  an..3........: ''

Port of Discharge/Receipt

Provide both the Port and Terminal Code in LOC with qualifier:

  • PlacePortOfDischarge for COARRI Discharge

  • PlacePortOfLoadingfor COARRI Load

010   3227  PLACE/LOCATION QUALIFIER                       M  an..3........: '9'       {Place/port of loading}
020   3225   Place/location identification                 C  an..25.......: 'BEANR'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: '139'     {Port}
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: '6'       {UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe)}
      3224   Place/location                                C  an..17.......: ''
030   3223   Related place/location one identification     C  an..25.......: 'K1742'
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: 'TER'     {unknown value!}
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: 'ZZZ'     {Mutually defined}
      3222   Related place/location one                    C  an..70.......: ''
040   3233   Related place/location two identification     C  an..25.......: ''
      1131   Code list qualifier                           C  an..3........: ''
      3055   Code list responsible agency, coded           C  an..3........: ''
      3232   Related place/location two                    C  an..70.......: ''
050   5479  RELATION, CODED                                C  an..3........: ''

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