Certified pick up v3.13.0
We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 3.13.0!
Release date
This version is released on 5th of March 2024 to UAT.
This version is released on 7th of April 2024 to PRD.
Terminal Change: notifications alignment to terminals
Since this version, both the old and new terminal will receive the update notification that the terminalCode was updated for a commercial release, format of the notification is not changed
Get Release Right Details as Terminal Operator:
Carrier identifiers have been added to the response
Documentation available upon request
Bug fixes
Performance improvements:
event based caching
indexes added for “release right” object in DB
Create commercial release:
constraint has been added on DB level to avoid duplicates for active commercial releases by EquipmentNumber and BillOfLadingNumbers
IMO Number (vesselNumber) was not correctly stored when created via API
terminal code has been added next to terminal name when creating multiple commercial releases via UI
when the releaseTo party can’t be identified, the commercial release is created and a notification is sent https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/notifications-for-shipping-agents#NotificationsforShippingAgents-Releasepartyunknown
Assign pickup via SCR: meansOfTransport was not correctly mentioned in pickup assigned greenlight notifications
Assign pickup via API: if ship agent used an alias for terminalCode eg. K1700 (within range for Terminal organisation) when creating the commercial release, it wasn’t possible to assign a pickup using the correct terminalCode eg. 01700
Customs Progress light not correctly set to “CUSTOMSLIGHTGREEN” / “GREEN” when CCRM message was received before the commercial release
Overrule customs light: token from MyAlfapass authentication was not correctly invalidated