Certified pick up v3.11.2
We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 3.11.2!
Release date
This version is released on 16th of January to PRD.
As Ship Agent I want EquipmentNumber and BillOfLadingNumbers to be a unique combination for an active commercial release so that it is avoided that duplicate releases are sent when releaseIdentification is altered in case of issues. An already existing error message is returned in such cases: https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/notifications-for-shipping-agents#NotificationsforShippingAgents-Commercialreleasealreadyexists
Performance improvements to optimise queries in UI
Overrule Customs light available for Ship Agent role
Bug fixes
Issue with transferring a release right to recently onboarded organisations
Commercial release assigned to incorrect first release party (cases with a “like” for APCS code)