Certified pick up v3.10.0
We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 3.10.0!
Release date
This version is released on 5th of December 2023 to UAT.
This version is planned to be released on 20th of December to PRD.
Out-of-order window for matching messages (Discharge/Load, Gate in/out, Terminal Release, CUSCAR, CCRM and NGPS) with a commercial release has been extended from 7 days to 30 days. This means that messages received from max. 30 days ago will be matched with a commercial release when this last one is created. This new policy will be applied for every new commercial release that is created after this production release.
As Terminal I can provide carrierId in pickup validation requests
This adaptation enables a terminal to optionally provide the identity of a Ship Agent in pickup validation requests for Truck, Barge and Rail so that the correct release right can be identified. This eliminates the risk of a malicious release that could be created since terminals should solely use carrierId’s for agents they know as their customer.
Company Registry call is made available for Terminal Operator: https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/terminal-operator-integration-guidelines#TerminalOperatorIntegrationSpecifications-CompanyRegistry
Error message
"Alfapass validation error: Invalid alfapass"
has been removed as response from the pickup validation for truck (used by Terminal Operator). The trigger for this message will result in already existing message"Alfapass validation error: Pickup not allowed"
Various efforts for technical stability and automated testing.
Commercial Releases are enriched with ImoNumber and StayNumber from CUSCARs, this enables better matching of a CCRM message with a Commercial Release. A bug in this data flow has been resolved.
UI: an error occurred when a user would “refresh” a page.