Certified pick up v3.0.0
We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 3.0.0!
Release date
This version was released on 19th of June 2023.
As Transport Operator I want to update a pick-up for barge / rail
This feature allows a transport operator to switch pick-ups between barge and rail.
As Terminal Operator I want to validate a pick-up for barge / rail
Improved specification
Please note that this endpoint is v2 and a new token should be requested.
A bèta UI or new experience has been introduced for Shipping Agents, Transport Operators and Release Parties. This facilitates managing multiple containers at once, depending on specific capabilities that had been identified for a stakeholder.
Transport Operator:
Decline Release Right
This feature allows a transport operator to conveniently decline multiple release rights at once.
Assign Pick-up for truck
This feature allows a transport operator to conveniently assign multiple drivers at once.
Update pick-up for Barge / Rail / Truck
This feature allows a transport operator to update a pick-up from barge, rail or truck to a new pick-up for barge, rail or truck, for multiple containers at once. The “old” pick-up will be revoked.
Search for notifications
Release Party:
As Release Party I want to view my home screen with a dashboard, manage and consult features
This feature is a new dashboard for release parties with metrics about incoming, outgoing and declined releases.
Accept Release Right
This feature allows a release party to accept multiple release rights per terminal or entity offering the release right.
Transfer Release Right
This feature allows a release party to transfer multiple release rights per terminal or entity the release right was received from.
Please note that the format of notifications for event type “Transferred” has changed; for example: https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/notifications-for-shipping-agents#NotificationsforShippingAgents-ReleaseRighttransferred . This will be reverted later.
Shipping Agent:
Block/delete/revoke release right: possibility to add a reason
Vessel Number has been replaced by IMO Number
FAVV: Customs light updated (YELLOW) if a container is an FAVV container
This was already introduced in 2.27.0: v2.27.0 hotfix
CCRM and NGPS Greenlights are not returned in notifications anymore, they are mapped to their parent “Customs”: CPu notifications: type ReleaseLight
IMONumber and StayNumber leveraged from CUSCAR to better match incoming customs messages.
CustomsProgress Greenlight “PARTIALLYCLEARED”, “YELLOW” instead of “GREEN” – notification: customs progress - partially cleared
Means of Transport:
It is set at the moment a pick-up is generated by a transport operator
It can be Truck, Barge or Rail and is mentioned in the notification when a pick-up is generated or updated.
For example: https://documentation.nxtport.com/certified-pickup/notifications-for-terminal-operators#NotificationsforTerminalOperators-PickupRightgenerated (this is identical for entities receiving pickup light notifications)
Notification disabled to entity X-1 when a release right is transferred from entity X to entity X+1
This improvement avoids transparency if parties would work with subcontractors. Notifications of a release right transfer are limited to transacting parties and the shipping agent.
Bug fix for Equipment Number “Unknown” in notifications; this could have caused issues with for example retrieving notifications by Equipment Number.
Fix for performance issues while retrieving notifications.
General optimisation improvements and smaller bug fixes.