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Certified Pick up v2.6.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 2.6.0!

Release date

This version was released on 18 JUN 2022.




User Interface

  • Bugfix: Searches that returned zero results resulted in freezing of the webpage

  • Filters transfer screen now use wildcard search by default

  • Bugfix: Container Type box now made visible on the Container detail


  • New validate Release Right API (only for Terminals)

  • Bugfix: Updating a Commercial Release where Valid Until is smaller than Valid From is not possible anymore


  • API: When transferring a Release Right when the Release Right was already transferred, a clear notification is provided

  • Get Release Detail notification now states clear color codes

  • Stakeholder identification codes DUNS and APCS are now included in each notification

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