Certified pick up v2.27.0
We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 2.27.0!
Release date
This version was released on 12 APRIL 2023.
Hotfix on: 16 MAY 2023
A Terminal Operator can validate a pick-up for barge or rail, API only.
A Transport Operator can assign a pick-up right for barge or rail, API only.
A Transport Operator can revoke pick-up right for barge or rail, API only.
Processing of customs messages for commercial releases:
Documentary Control (PLDA) (and NCTS since hotfix on 16th of May): Customs Light (red) = DOCUMENTARYCONTROL
Transit (NCTS): Customs light (red) =TRANSITCONTROLClearing (PLDA): Customs Progress light (green --> will be changed to orange in release 2.30) = PARTIALLYCLEARED
Hotfix – 16 May 2023
Customs messages: new status FAVV (yellow) for Customs light
Customs messages: TRANSITCONTROL disappears as customs light status and is replaced by DOCUMENTARYCONTROL, this implies that customs messages from NCTS will result in a DOCUMENTARYCONTROL status, except in case of FAVV.
Fix for excess amount of notifications (for example multiple updates of Customs Progress light “PARTIALLYCLEARED” → “PARTIALLYCLEARED” for 1 commercial release)
Fix for time-out in retrieving notifications via API: GET /notifications endpoint