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Certified Pick up v2.0.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Certified Pick up version 2.0.0!

Release date

This version was released on 31 JAN 2022.



  • Overall performance improvements related to Green Lights and determining current Release Right Owner

User Interface

  • All release-right transfers are now logged explicitly, even if the targeted party is not yet registered for CPU (aka First-Release-Party update)

  • When performing a transfer, an extra option is available to provide the details of the targeted party if it is not available in the list of registered parties

  • When creating/updating a commercial release, the Terminal selection dropdown now also shows the Terminal Code with the terminal name

  • Improved validation handling when invalid input is detected during processing

  • The UI is now properly notified if the processing of a request failed due to validation errors. This solves a lot of the "request is taking too long" issues in UI

  • Improved input validation on the commercial release form

  • New fields for commercial release creation and update

  • Event history on container detail now visible for logged on party

  • Bugfix: Empty return reference can now be filled in again & is correctly displayed when viewing the details of a release right


  • All release-right transfers are now logged explicitly, even if the targeted party is not yet registered for CPU (aka First-Release-Party update)

  • Improved validation handling when invalid input is detected during processing

  • New fields for commercial release creation and update


  • Fixed mixup of casing in notifications (general notification used camelCase, but body used PascalCase, now everything is camelCase, including the body property)

  • Authentication Type OAuth2 Client Credentials or OAuth2 Password Flow on notifications made available

  • API: Retrieve Async notifications up to 7 days by request, e.g. PublicReferenceId, EquipmentNumber, ExternalReferenceId

  • Bugfix API: a notification is now sent if a commercial release was created without the required Terminal Code

  • Bugfix: removed single quotes (') in several validation error notification

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